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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

MTC Cafeteria: the Musical

Dear Reader,

I sing a lot. And I mean, a lot. I sing everywhere and every time it is on the fringe of social acceptibility. In class? No. In the elevator? No. In the elevator all by myself? YES. To give you an idea of the magnitude I'm talking about here, I'll just say that when PetiteSoeur had to create a coat of arms for our family in fourth grade, she had to create a family motto: "No singing at the dinner table." And yes, that was all me. It's pretty much turned into one of Padre's core beliefs, and nothing really describes my family better, I think. So it should come as no surprise when I tell you that I sing very frequently at work. I sing everything from show tunes to punk rock, but since I believe that music should have the ability to transcend mere entertainment and describe the human experience (or at least my human experience), I have been known to make up songs on the spot about whatever I feel like singing about at the moment.

Well, since I've been working at one place for a while, these occasional songs have started to pile up, and I have imagined that these songs are more than just a pleasant way to pass the time, but that they have the ability to come together to tell a legendary story of tragedy and forbidden love. And thus I have conceived my latest genius idea in the form of an epic story called (dun dun DUN) MTC Cafeteria: the Musical. The story follows a young girl in the dishroom who, finding herself falling madly in love with a boy from the line*, must decide on how to balance her passion and her plastic apron. The score is already in the process of being composed, with songs including such titles as:


I Hate This Stupid Tray Cart

Just a Cashier

(It's Called) The Sack Line

Take out the Trash

There's Always Cereal

My Mother Married a Juice Checker (I Can't Believe It)

And Much, Much, More!

MTC Cafeteria: the Musical; an epic story of heart, hope, and hoagies. Coming soon to an off-off-Broadway production near you. Or something.

Best wishes, regards, and a healthy dose of sillyness,

-Cecily Jane

*line people are the people who work outside of the kitchen, serving food and the like. They are considered by some to be better than people who work in the dishroom. Hence the controversy.


Rachel said...

Haha, o my gohs. I would totally see that show :)

Cecily Jane said...

Thanks, Ray! If I ever get it down on paper, I'll let you know.

Shannon said...

hahahahaha! I used to work in the cafeteria doing both line AND dishes (dun dun DUN). In fact, I was looking up the cafeteria online for a job history contact and I found your blog. I laughed. A Lot. Thanks for brightening my day.